We ask that all life group members follow our ground rules. Following these rules will help prevent gossip, flattery, and diminshment. They will also allow equal opporutnity for every member to both participate and feel welcome and safe in their group. 

Rule #1 - We will honour Christ by our words, attitudes and actions. The purpose of the Life Groups is that all of us would allow Christ to live through us more and more, constant transformation.  The Life Groups belong to Jesus.  He is Head over His Church no matter how small or large any group. (Colossians 3:17)

Rule #2- What is shared in the group stays in the group unless permission to share is given or it is a type of sin that may have to be addressed by church elders if the group cannot deal with it themselves. (Ephesians 4:29, Proverbs 21:23)

Rule #3 - Once potential topics that may cause dissention and offense are identified we will covenant among ourselves not to discuss them. We agree to disagree to honour Christ and one another. For the sake of unity and to honour Christ we will lay our right of expression on those matters aside to make room for vital prayer together, care at a deep level for one another and God pleasing discussion around the sermon of the week. (1 Corinthians 1:10, Ephesians 4:1-6)

Rule #4 - If matters arise anyway that begin to damage the group, leaders are expected to find a way for confession, forgiveness and reconciliation to take place. Resentment, rejection, distancing, anger, pouting, retribution, backbiting and gossip have no place in the Kingdom of God. By God's grace we will grow up in Him. (Matthew 18:15-20)

Rule #5 - Focus on spiritual growth as a top priority (Romans 8:29)

Rule #6 - Accept one another in love just as Christ has accepted us (Romans 15:7)

Rule #7 - Take care of one another in love without crossing over the line into parenting or taking inappropriate responsibility for solving the problems of others (John 13:34)

Rule #8 - Treat one another with respect in both speech and action (Ephesians 4:25 – 5:2)

Rule #9 - Keep our commitments to the group — including attending regularly, doing the homework, praying for all members and keeping confidence whenever requested (Psalm 15:1 – 2, 4b)